
June 12, 2006

The Lists Worked!

The party on Saturday could not have been better planned and executed from our end than it was! I think it was all of the lists on half sheets of paper, white board and of course napkins. The weather outside was absolutely perfect, sunny and80, with a nice breeze.

Party was slated to start at 1:00. I took Friday off to get some last minute, big-ticket stuff done in rearrangement, and got more done that intended. No complaints from Anny on that! I even took an hour out to go with my cousing to the driving range. (That's good times, and I hope do do it once or twice this week too. I'm headed to play my first actual game on the 25th.)

So by 11:00 on Saturday, everything was quiet. Eerily quiet. All of the food was prepared or in the crock pot. The house was the cleanest that I have ever seen it. The cake was in hand. We were so ready that at 11:30 I sat down and played a 30 minute video game!

Once the party started good times continued. Several children, who I was not expecting, showed up with their parents. They brought friends too. I would have had something set up for kids if they were expected. Funniest thing about it - we asked Cousin who the kids were, and he didn't know two of the four! They ended up playing air hockey and played in the yard for a good part of the afternoon.

We had about 30 people at the house. Lots of food, soda, and cake to go around. Rusty (my dog, for those new to my blog) had quite a field day! He got half of a piece of cake when one aunt was not paying attention to her food and left it on the floor!

After most of the guests had left for home my friends Bryan and Charlene came over with their 18 month old son who played shy for a few minutes, then took off like a holy terror around the house! Upstairs and down. Chasing balloons and the dog. Playing with light and fan switches. It was GREAT!

After everyone was gone, Anny and I both crashed pretty hard. I got a second, short-lived wind at about 8:00 when the hockey game started, but it was over by the middle of the second period. Sunday was going to be a long day at church, and I wanted to be as rested as possible, and I'm glad I was.

But, then, that's my next post.

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