
March 30, 2006

Lenten Advertising

So, at work we decided to do two print ads in the next two weeks, one for Palm Sunday (goes into the Washington Post the Saturday Prior) and a different one for Easter. We decided to go with "Palms, Psalms and a Donkey... Come see what it all means" followed by three specially designed websites that just list our churches. We had some other good ones lined up:

  • B.Y.O.P. - Bring Your Own Palms (or borrow one from us!)
  • Come celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter at your neighborhood Presbyterian Church.
  • Got Church? Try Ours
  • Parade Planned! Welcome Jesus With a Local PCUSA Congregation.

The favorite on the staff, but was decidedly too "radical" for us Decently and In Order Presbyterians was:
Jesus rode and ass to Jerusalem, get your ass to church this week!

Good Times!

March 21, 2006

"I'm not a doctor"

"I'm not a doctor" says Anny. She is feeling REALLY guilty and blames herself for the info we found out today.

To quote the nurse at the Nephrologists office:
"I have just spoken to Dr Broumond and he says that 'that diet is the worst possible diet for you to be on! I need to fax to you a bloodwork order that you have to get done in the morning and they will get it back to us STAT!"

I asked if I could put it off until Thursday, and they seem a bit concerned and so I have it on the way via fax. Guess I have to start exercising since I can't just quit eating sugars.

That's all the news that is news for today. Guess that's pretty harsh news, though, so that is enough.

Home Sick

Today is day number 2 of being home sick. I have rarely over my working-lifetime taken time off of work, even for vacation. Good news is that I have dropped some pounds via sickness.

The debate - why have I not been feeling well? I, of course, don't want to call a doctor. Several outside forces are playing here....

New medicine. Because of the price of Lipitor, we have switched my meds to Crestor. My office manager made this switch about a year ago with bad results.

New diet. Because of the kidney disease (which I will blog directly about sometime soon, if only to refine my own knowledge), I am supposed to limit potassium. My kidney's leak protein, and the diet is a LOT of protein. To me, that should not rock the boat.

So, I’m home, rotting in front of more senseless television. I brought work home, against the advisement of my bosses. I think I will feel more productive in a few minutes.

Until later.

March 09, 2006

One Week Down

I have what some people call an addictive personality. I know better than to have ever done drugs. I have never been gambling. I drink very rarely, thanks also in part to the kidneys. I avoid all of these things because I know that I have a very good chance of getting hooked.

So, in walks the diet. It has worked for Anny very well since she started. It has worked for P&S too. I think it works for them because all three have patience. I have an addictive personality. I'm continually (on day 8 here) thinking why go back to carbs? I have not even craved a soda, and the only candy cravings come because one of my co-workers has an older aunt who constantly shops for sales - and sends each of the "children" home with food of all kinds. She, in turn, brings in cookies, chips, and candy to the office and leaves it on the kitchen table. This was my favorite thing, until the diet.

Now I walk by the Reece's Cups, my personal favorite, and say (sometimes outloud) "Cheese sticks are great!" Someone caught me once, so now we all laugh about it.

So, with one week down, I have not lost any weight, but I feel good. The weather has been touch and go with both precip and temp. We have not gone walking in a while. Today looks promising. (63 on the way in this morning! Got to drive to work with the windows down and no jacket. I love spring.) We shall see, we shall see.

Until next time.....