
July 13, 2006

It's Me, Alphabetically!

I have been inspired, to a certain extent, by The Trail Guide over at The OrganTrail. Her first post was simply "101 Things About Me." I don't know that I can do 101, so I decided to go with the alphabet.

So, the following are things about me, some things you know, some you don't. Here's my list:

A - Anny - my wonderful wife. (A also made me think of the Apple Cake I want Anny to make for me from the Racheal Ray Magazine)
B - Blogging - I'm learning to like writing, and reading too! I don't do books very well, I don't have the attention span. Reading blogs is easy, reading books is hard. (typo intentional)
C - Change - I don't carry coins unless I have JUST recieved them. I have two different change stashes at home, and one at the office.
D - Dog Lover - We have one, and puppy on the way. At family gatherings there are typically up to seven dogs to 14 people!
E - Eclectic - I listen to a wide variety of music. I have everything from Classical to Classic Rock, from Rap to Country. (I even have a playlist called "International Music" which has mostly songs that I don't understand.) If you have something you think I haven't heard and should, let me know what it is and I'll usually buy it!
F - FSGS - The type of Kidney Disease I have. I wish it didn't shape my life, but it really does.
G - Glenkirk - I worked at Camp Glenkirk for many years, in many different roles. I miss it from time to time. Anny and I met and married there, so it has always meant a lot to us. (It's now becoming houses)
H - Humorous - I like to laugh, and like even more to make other people laugh.
I - Immunosuppresants - I take these twice a day to battle my FSGS. Yes, there are other meds, too, but these are the long-term ones that are supposed to be working.
J - Job - I really like my job. I get to work with and for people that I really respect, and even have fun from time to time!
K - Kidneys - for obvious reasons.
L - Laity - I feel a true sense of call to Lay Ministry in the church.
M - Michelle - My "kid" sister chose her college in part to be closer to my brother and I, since we have not really known her for many years. (separate homes, 10 year age span)
N - New House - We just bought our first house this week, so lots of time and energy are going into that for the coming months. In our weird situation, we've been doing the time and energy for a while, but it's totally worth it!
O - Obsessive - I actually check my sitemeter about six times a day. I did really well on my diet, because I was actually addicted to making myself look better.
P - Potassium - Because of my disease, I am not allowed to have potassium. In the past, I have been more forgiving, and probably will be again, but for now it's nil in my body. Want to see the list of stuff with Potassium?
Q - Q.E.D. - The only thing I remember from math in high school. It is Latin for Quod Erat Demonstrata (which is to be demonstrated). This is how we ended our math problems.
R - Red - It's the color of my hair. It's natural, thankyouverymuch, and I will never permanently die it another color. (I did spray in neon green once)
S - "Shame" - One of my nicknames at work. I picked it up because I apparently have no shame when it comes to kissing up. An Equal Opportunity Suck Up!
T - Technology - I'm fascinated by innovation. Since I'm the youngest at work, I defaulted as the Tech guy. It's okay, though, because I enjoy learning it as I go.
U - Uncle - I have a soon-to-be three year old niece whom I adore. Another one is on the way.
V - Vacuuming - It's one of my jobs on the chore list. (Dusting too)
W - Walking - I am struggling to find a diet I can do well, but Anny and I ahve been walking around one of two lakes near our house.
X - XY - I'm a boy. (chromosomes folks)
Y - You - I'm very into other people. My personality is definately feeds off of other people! (and on that topic, YOU can comment on this post. See below)
Z - Zamboni - I'm a HUGE hockey fan. Someone will think "why did it take you until Z to mention hockey?" My answer - I didn't go in order, silly-head!

I know that this list is different now than it would have been six months ago. I also know that the list is different than it will be six months from now. I've added a note to my calendar to update it every six months, so that later on I can see where I was, and look to where I have come.

This list took me a lot less time than I thought. The one that took the longest was N. N should be an easy one. XY is kind of lame, but tell me, what would you have used for X??

1 comment:

  1. Right. People don't utilize these comment sections nearly enough. That's a clever thing you did. I'm proud of you for thinking of it (despite borrowing the idea).
