
May 09, 2006

What a Steal!

I have been a bit slow on the ebay train. I have purchased very specific items that I have been after in the past - a CHEAP Palm Pilot for work, golf tees (100 for 10 cents!) - but the last few days I have been goofing off.

Hockey Jerseys? None for me today.
Another Golf Club? Naa, I still haven't even been on a course yet!
Air Hockey Table? SURE! Why not?!

How could I pass THIS up?

I am getting away with only paying $5 for a table that I have wanted since I was in high school. I will have to put in around $40 for gas to get there and back, but still! I definately would not have made the purchase from out of state.

So, as of this weekend I will have an air hockey table. You're welcome to come by for a tourney sometime! (Just give me some warning, Anny would kill me if anyone came over and the house was not in top shape!)

Now I get to spend the next two weeks visiting Ebay every couple of days (hours?) to get accessories. I'm sure that there's something I can find that I "need".......


  1. I can't wait to come visit now!!!

  2. You really are welcome to visit whenever works best for you!
