
May 22, 2006


Saturday was my 10 year high school reunion, and it was not as bad as it could have been! I graduated in a class of 45 brave souls, and there were about 15 of us that showed up. That ain't too bad, eh? Being the extrovert that I am, I did some rotation and chatted it up with folks that I would probably still hang out with. I was even nice to those that I didn't care to know 10 years ago, much less hang out with on a Saturday night.

Anny was a trooper too. I have a suggestion to those going to events like this: make sure your significant other has someone they know there, other than yourself. I graduated with two people who have to this day remained my best of friends. (I'm even in their will!) Anny knows them very well, so she didn't have an awkward night of half talking and half looking at the ceiling, like some of the other spouses. There was one guy there that didn't say a word that I heard, and another spoke very little.

So anyway, I was not amazed by anything that anyone does now. The argumentative, but nice, one is now a prosecutor. The wrestler is still wrestling. (okay, that one threw me) Most folks have kids of various ages. To others, dogs are their children, which is my situation right now.
No good stories to share - but no bad ones. When people wrote "don't ever change" in the yearbooks, I think they meant it.

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