I painted again, but that's almost expected at this stage in my home-ownership. We purchased a gallon of brown paint several weeks ago, after having seen some really cool pictures in Better Homes and Garden. (Stop making fun of me, I like that stuff sometimes!) This brown turned out darker than I thought, and much darker than we wanted. We're having a graduation party in 10 days, so I had to rush out to find a new color, after having made the brown-boo-boo.
I grabbed a quart of Pewter Cup - It's this very nice gray. It's the front room of the house, so it will actually turn out better, a bit more elegant with the furniture in there. (Piano and some "sitting room" style furniture.) I painted less than one wall with my puny quart, but it's enough to know that the whole room will look good!
The other, much more fun and cudly story is that we got to meet our new puppy! My sister worked out a deal where she gets our new beagle puppy, Maggy, from graduation to move-in date for college, then she's ours. What a great deal! Michelle has a true gift with animals, so it's going to work out for both of us. She's going to train Maggy for leash walking, outdoor pooping, and all of the other essentials.
So, here's is the picture that is now my desktop on my work computer:

And here is another really really cute one:

That's the adorable puppy that will be sharing our house soon! I'm so excited!