I feel about ten years older than I'm supposed to, thanks to kidney disease! I will blog about my kidneys, my family, and other things in my seemingly ordinary life. Enjoy!
March 30, 2007
Five Years Ago Today

March 26, 2007
We Just Talk Differently
Here's the difference, with no explanation. I'm sure that you can guess what these statements are in response to:
"It's an amazing experience, and I'm sure you're going to have fun with it!"
"It's over. Your life is over."
The statement that elicits such responses is simple: "We're having a baby." (Blue is a womans response. Orange is a mans.)
Men and women just react differently to each other upon hearing the news. It should not come as a shock to me, but I guess it still does. Women will often share their stories of everything except the actual birth part of having a child. (pregnancy skips right to seeing the beautiful baby) Men, on the other hand, tend to start with the actual birth part, and get right to how little time they have to themselves and such.
I know that not having alone time is going to happen. I'm okay with that. I know that we won't get to go out to dinner every weekend, and that's okay too. I know that I won't see a movie in a theater for several years, and then all of the movies will be either in cartoon form or with lots of singing.
I love my wife, and I know that she will change. I will change. We will change together. We've lived through a lot of good and bad times in our years together. Change happens everyday, with or without a little girl in the picture. (or boy, but for my purposes I know it's a girl!) The key is how we will deal with that change.
Will we yell at each other? Absolutely.
Will we love each other? More than ever.
Will we secretly wish that the other one would leave the house with the baby so that we can get some sleep? Yes.
Will we secretly wish that the other will leave the house WITHOUT the baby so that we can have some one on one time? Undoubtedly.
I guess that I'm posting this as a reminder to myself later to break the trend. When another guy says to me "hey man, we found out we're having a baby" I want my reply to be better. I want to set a trend of "wow, that's awesome man. Let's hang out!"
Any other good advice I should be keeping in mind for now or later?
March 21, 2007
She is my brothers Niece
A common phrase that my brother uses, I assume only to me, is "I'll punch/kick/stab you in the kidneys." Often this phrase is justified because of something I have just said or done. It's an empty threat, typically.
I hear this so often that I made mention of it to my mom and sister when they were here a few weeks ago before we went out shopping. I practically guaranteed that he would use his famous line at least three times. He must have been on his best behavior because he only said it once, and alluded to it once. I was almost disappointed, but mostly because I don't like being wrong.
So anyway, this morning as I was laying against Anny's now-typically warm belly, I felt quite a strong kick. From the baby, not from Anny. She kicked with accuracy, too. That little brat kicked me right in one of my kidney scars!
As you can guess, it did not hurt nearly as badly as if her uncle had done it, but it was pretty darned funny.
March 14, 2007
My 100th Post!
A lot has happened since my first post, and so I will take a moment to update a few topics...
Kidneys -
I had an appointment yesterday morning and everything is going well with my kidneys. The stupid lab did not do two of the tests that they should have, but there was still enough information to know that things are still on the right track. I will never be without kidney disease, but at least for now it is under control. He also told me that I need to lose weight. Surprise surprise.
Baby -
HERE is the official site for that, but things are going really well. If I were to put things onto a calendar with June being the end date for getting projects done around the house, I think I'm right on schedule. I keep being told that once she's here, it's a done deal and I won't have time for myself. You know, that's okay!
Lovely Wife -
Five year anniversary this month! I have never been happier. I've been told that I need to do something super-special since it will be our last alone-anniversary. I'm working on that.
Work -
Apparently I am too nice and trustworthy, or so I was told yesterday. We reviewed my job description and added at least one more committee to my list. In an office of ten people, I now report to six directly. It's good, though, as it keeps me busy. I celebrated two years at the job two weeks ago and am really happy to be here.
Church -
I have been co-teaching Confirmation to a group of 9 youth with my pastor. It's been a really good experience for me, and I hope that the youth involved would say the same. I am learning new things, and getting to know some of the youth of the church better. I have been approached by several asking me if I want to teach Sunday School next year. Still debating.
Puppy -
Our beloved puppy is moving on to a better suited home the first week in May. I've posted lots of pictures of her, so this is worth an update, right? She's a year old now, and has in recent weeks shown great improvement in her behavior. On the other hand, she's still a puppy, full of energy and more energy. With the baby coming and knowing that she will become priority number one, we have asked some friends to adopt her from us. It's a better situation for her, and for us. She's gonna love it!
Life -
In general, life is great!
I can't think of anything else to update. Is there anything I've missed?
March 12, 2007
TV: TLC "My Life as a Child"
Here's the official site.
Here's the deal: 20 kids were given video cameras to film their perspective of their life. I know that there is a filter on each child. Someone edited to fit three kids into each one hour episode.
But the things that are coming out of seeing:
A boy with Cerebral Palsy saying that he wants to walk someday so that his parents don't have to help him. He also was more eloquent about the role of his parents in his life at the age of 9 than I was at the age of 19.
An adopted girl talked about her definition of family, and it's much more inclusive than I ever could have put into words. I think that I had the same understandings, but certainly not the same words.
A piano genius at the age of 7 (?) that understood his brilliance enough that he knows that it's a gift that he has to cherish. His view on other children seems a bit skewed to me, but that's how he lives his life. (Summation of his statement was that children his age are not able to talk about things of the world, so he does not talk to them. He likes to play with them, though!)
It's on Monday nights on TLC. If you have a chance to watch it, I would recommend it! I've got it set to TiVo all of them so that I don't forget!
March 11, 2007
Time Change Giggle
Last night I changed a couple of clocks in the house.
The Laptop updated itself, like clockwork. :o)
Cell phone updated itself with a quick restart.
But not the Today Show. Campbel "I'm an Idiot, Look At Me" Brown admitted that she didn't really remember and had to ask the producers of the show to call and wake her up. But then, I looked at the clock they always have in the corner. It was not changed! The local station got it, but the national did not.
And that's my Time Change Giggle.
(Now I'm off to change the smoke detector batteries. You had best go do the same!)
March 08, 2007
MySpace? Certainly not MINE!
The other day I decided that I would sign up for a myspace account to get in contact with him, and see what the fuss is all about.
But then I decided that I didn't need another web presence right now, since I'm struggling to put anything worthwhile here or HERE. So I didn't complete the signup process, and immediately deleted the "click here to complete your registration" email that I got.
Then it happened.
Someone decided that they wanted to be my friend. WHA? I don't know you! I don't even know how you found me. You're a freak, and put some clothes on you CHILD! (Not Tom. I know that Tom just comes along automatically! I'm not that far out of it.)
So there is no MySpace for Me. I'll just get my sister to get in contact with AA for me this weekend.
March 01, 2007
A Perfect Snow
Just snow.
Compact snow, perfect for making snowballs.
Enough for a two hour school day, not enough for a day off.
It stuck around for a couple of days, but is now mostly gone.
Don't get me wrong, snow days are great, but even when school is out, I have to go anyway.
So, I made a snow-person:
Cute, right? To the left on the picture is my front door, so it looks like it's six feet tall. Reality: it's about a foot tall, on top of my mailbox! (And yes, thos are dog food eyes, nose and mouth.)
I should have been working in the nursery, but I needed a break!