
December 23, 2010

Just Want to Sleep!

I have been waking up really early lately.  I can blame it on many things ranging from Abby making noise in the other room to drinking WAY too much water after dinner and the call of nature.  I don't know why my body will not let me go back to sleep, but it is annoying!

With that, you get a snipped blog post:

Love where I work.  Love who I work with and work for.  I have been given both responsibility and flexibility to go out and find others that need project work done and stuff like that.  Today I will be doing my first flow chart from notes from the Chief of Human Resources!  Insane, right? 

Next week we have another Admin starting.  I realized yesterday that this will be the first time since my days at Champs that someone has come in at the same level as I am at - someone with about the same role in the organization.  I have had folks over me hired, but this will be new and (hopefully) kind of cool. 

I keep meaning to post pictures of the apartment, but you will just have to trust me at this point that it's nice.  We all have lots of space, and Abby is in a Full sized bed, so it's much more fun to read stories at the end of a day because I can go straight to cuddling.  It is silly, I know, but really fun.  This morning when she woke up I went in and we talked about Christmas and did silly stuff like hide from Anny when she got up. 

I keep thinking I might go out and get some paint.  Anny is a hang-pictures-to-break-the-white-walls person, and I am a paint-it person.  I know she will win out this round, though, because I am too cheap to buy paint and we have TONS of hanging pictures. 

Folks have asked if Abby is okay with the silly TriPod "Tree" for Christmas, and I assure you that she digs it.  She admires real/artificial trees in other places, but she knows that ours is a little silly, but special nonetheless. 

Well, on Saturday night she twisted her foot strangely and limped for three days.  Right as it was healing up she jumped out of her bed in not-tied shoes and that was a set back. Another advantage of the Full Sized bed, we found out, is that when she is whimpering through the night because of said foot injury, we don't have to sleep three to a bed.  Anny just went in to Abby's bed for the night.  (I take my turns, you can trust that.) 

Because of the occasional bed sharing in her room, Abby is now requesting that one of us sleep with her each night.  Yeah, going to have to break that habit and quick!

Abby is incredibly helpful around here, especially in the kitchen!  This week alone she has helped with cookies, boxed muffins, made from scratch muffins (YUM!) and is now helping with pancakes.  She is always eager to help, and is getting much better about keeping mixing in the bowls.  She is often mad at us if we don't let her help in the kitchen at dinner time.  Sorry, Abs, but I do not need help with the raw meat today... :o)

Hoping to knock out a post today or tomorrow about Abby and Santa.  Fun stuff.  But now I need to go - I hear blueberry pancakes in process and I want to be sure some are for me!

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