
September 05, 2008

Ready for November

Is there anything that can be said between now and Election Day that will change who you vote for in the Presidential Election?   Vote in the poll on the right and comment below. 

It seems to me that there is so much riding on this one that folks have already made up their mind, and I'm okay with that.  I have.  We need change.  Our country needs something new, fresh and exciting.  Our finances are crap, and that might have something to do with morale.  Morale might have something to do with this little war that "we" have picked with two countries. 

But regardless of how you're voting, is there anything that can be said at this point to change your mind?  (Short of a scandal of donkey-rape proportions)

(Oh great, with "donkey-rape" in my post I'm sure my "G" rating is going to go WAY up!!)

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