
December 21, 2007

Simple Pleasure - Christmas Weekend Edition!

(See previous Simple Pleasure Friday posts below)

As the year winds down, it's easy to get lost in the craziness that is the modern day Christmas. Anny and I have realized that we have not sent out ANY gifts yet, and since a majority of ours are headed over the mountains and the Mississippi River, that's probably not good.

So, a special Christmas Weekend Edition of Simple Pleasures Friday!

Think back over the last year. I know that there have been pregnancies, births, household moves, new jobs, and other great things that have happened to all of us. This week, please share two things that have brought you great joy this year!

I'll also take this time to say a hearty Merry Christmas to you all. I know that blogs have changed the way we communicate, and that's okay with me! I have gotten to know all of you more this year because of it! I pray that you keep your sanity, and take some time to reflect at some point over the coming days!

(Okay, Denise probably won't have much time for that as Sarah is due any day! For you, Denise, I pray peace and as-much-as-it-can-be-pain-free experiences for the next couple of weeks!)


  1. Okay - my first joyous thing is easy to put on the top of any list: Abby's birth and enjoying seeing her grow!

    My second joyous thing would have to be that I was ordained as an Elder this year. I have always been looked at as a child in other churches, but I have relished in my new leadership role as I have wanted to be!

  2. today has given me an especially joyous thing. I got to hear my baby's heartbeat! The other joyous thing has been improved relationships among family and friends over the last year.

  3. We are still here Rob. Thank you for your prayers. I can't really think of a simple pleasure this week. How about that I made it to the grocery store and stocked up on food so Allen can eat when he comes home on R&R! Silly but very important that a man has his food. :)

  4. Sorry forgot to tell you something about this year. It is so hard to pick just one. I would say my simple pleasure would have to being pregnant with our first baby. That is the one that sticks out the most.

  5. Merry (belated) Christmas!

    One of my top thanksgivings for 2007 into 2008 is that you are not moving (I heard). This is a huge blessing for NCP.

    Hope the holidays were fantastic. See you soon.
