
March 30, 2006

Lenten Advertising

So, at work we decided to do two print ads in the next two weeks, one for Palm Sunday (goes into the Washington Post the Saturday Prior) and a different one for Easter. We decided to go with "Palms, Psalms and a Donkey... Come see what it all means" followed by three specially designed websites that just list our churches. We had some other good ones lined up:

  • B.Y.O.P. - Bring Your Own Palms (or borrow one from us!)
  • Come celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter at your neighborhood Presbyterian Church.
  • Got Church? Try Ours
  • Parade Planned! Welcome Jesus With a Local PCUSA Congregation.

The favorite on the staff, but was decidedly too "radical" for us Decently and In Order Presbyterians was:
Jesus rode and ass to Jerusalem, get your ass to church this week!

Good Times!

1 comment:

  1. Good marketing!

    I recently commented on another PCUSA blog that I think we should be doing some large media campaigns, ala the UMC and UCC.

    And, thinking of other PCUSA blogs, you should totally join the PCUSA blog ring:
