Saturday -
We started the day at Maryland Day, which is annual open house that the University of Maryland puts on. It was hot and crowded, but a heck of a lot of fun! Abby had a blast playing with the bubbles when we first got there. There were plastic ducks in the main fountain on campus, and all three girls had fun retrieving them and throwing them back into the water.
(No pictures from Maryland Day - I left my camera and phone at the house on accident. It was really weird for me to not be connected!)
After grabbing lunch and a nap, we went up to celebrate Luke's second birthday! Lots of family and tons of presents, but mostly it was fun to watch the children together. Evan and Luke are constantly in motion, which is awesome to watch. I think that Abby did not believe Luke was up to the challenge of opening his gifts on his own, so she helped a little:

We left their house way too late, but Abby did not notice too much.
We realized on Saturday night that our regular church service on Sunday was not going to be "normal" but rather was the Easter Choral Cantata. I love music, don't get me wrong, but I don't love Latin. We decided to head up to the National Aquarium in Baltimore for the morning. Last summer we got a membership for the family as a good, indoor play place for Anny and Abby for hot summer days. Abby has never really been a huge fan, so we wanted to go this spring to help decide if we wanted to renew our membership. The answer is "no" but we had a fun time.
We have not been to the dolphin show with Abby, mostly because we paid for the membership and I'm too cheap to tack on extra money while I'm there! This time they gave us tickets to the show for free, so we were not going to pass that up. Anny went in and found seats while Abby and I walked up and down stairs a few times and looked at the dolphin tank from below. Very cool. When we got in and sat down it took Abby a minute to figure out what was about to happen, but when she figured it out it was hard to wipe the grin off of her face!

We had lunch at the Inner Harbor - nice big salads really hit the spot for Anny and I. Abby went to sleep in the car, but not quite enough. I hate when that happens.
After having folks over to watch the Capitals game, we went out and played in the yard and the street for a while. Yes, I am a bad parent and let my daughter walk in the street without holding my hand, but she seems to be pretty clear about when that is and is not allowed. We walk down the street with her in her wagon, or on her new bike, and sometimes we let her push her baby stroller:

Overall we had an incredible weekend and can only hope the whole summer is this fun!