
February 14, 2006

Hand Cranked What??

Gramps - my grandfather on my dad's side - has very little on his "to do" list anymore. He now fills his time watching things like the History Channel or Military Channel. This always makes for interesting conversations.

The other night over dinner I was poking fun at my aunt's age and that she had seen the first movie in the first theater. (she's not really that old, but she's the oldest and therefore gets lots of this) My grandfather bursts out with

"did you know that a lot of the early movies were actually porn?"

Yes, a lovely family dinner on Friday. Last night we re-gathered for a birthday party, and somehow he followed that up with

"yes, actually, most of the porn was probably hand cranked!"

It was a lovely shade of red that EVERYONE in the room turned.

Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

  1. So you're the Good Capn I see everybody linking to these days? Nice to meet you!
