Abby has been to my office - heck she has been to my office more times than most people who don't work here have since she visited once a week in July and August. She saw my office when I could not get to files from our recent move, and she came back and "helped" me with files when I could. Abby knows where I work, though she is only two and can have no concept of what I do.
A few weeks back we think that Abby might have gotten the wrong idea about where I go when I leave the house every day. You see, the three of us typically go fun places on weekends, but we also go to a lot of places over and over again. We find a place we like and it becomes habit. We did our best to get every dollar out of our pool membership, so Abby expected swimming a couple of times each week.
One Saturday Anny was not feeling very well and so I decided to grab Abby and get out of the house because it was an incredible afternoon, and the College Park AirFair 100 was going on - celebrating 100 years of aviation in College Park at the airport right around the corner! Anny dropped us off so that I didn't have to deal with parking. I took Abby, some cash, a bottle of water and a diaper in my pocket, and off we went!
There were all sorts of things to see - old planes and new ones, gilders and helicopters, an old car and lots and lots of people. We walked around and saw some of the planes first, but it was blazing hot and there was no shade, so we made a dash for a covered tent. They have just reconstructed a new Wright Flyer that will travel from city to city, so it was kind of neat to see that.
Because we got there after Abby's nap, we missed all of the really fancy stuff - the sky walkers and the maneuver displays and such. I was a little bummed about missing the parachute jumpers, but I am not sure that Abby would have really understood how cool it was anyway, so I got over it. I knew that Abby would get excited to see helicopters up close, and boy was I right! We even got to go inside a Chinook that was parked for the day, which she then tried to imitate!
We also got to see a few of the choppers take off, which was jaw dropping for her - we stood right under the Montgomery County Police helicopter as it flew away.
We also got to listen to live music and I introduced Abby to her very first ice cream cone!
The bottom line is that I took Abby somewhere by myself (and have done that a lot since then) and we had an incredible time - but Anny and I agree that we believe it has changed Abby's concept of what Daddy does every day. It seems that she genuinely believes that I got to the airfield every day and watch helicopters and eat ice cream!